Sunday, December 14, 2008

Cousin Love

Colton Holding Dom's Hand
Cute Boys!


Grandma and Colton on Grandma's Bike
Colton not looking to happy

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Colton & A Hitler Mustache

Snow Fun

Four years later and more snow in Texas! I had to get some pictures of Colton in the snow since we don't get to see it to often.

My Whimpy Snowman

League City Parade

Kylee giving Colton some love at the Parade
Julie and I at the Parade

Saturday, December 6, 2008

So Smiley

Playing with daddy this morning.

1st Cereal Feeding

Colton eating baby cereal for the first time last night. He did so good!


My mom called me Tuesday night and told me she was looking at my brother Dalin's baby book and said he started rolling at 2 months and that Colton was behind. I said no I think Dalin's just advanced and that Colton would probably roll by Christmas since he has been trying. Wednesday when I was babysitting I laid Colton on the floor and within like ten minutes he rolled from his back to tummy. We are still working on tummy back he hasn't quite mastered that one yet.

Our Little Santa

Waiting in line at the mall to see Santa with cousins Reese and Peyton. We couldn't get all of them to look at the camera at the same time.


Colton all cute and cuddly ready for bed!


My cousin and I went shopping on Black Friday and I left Colton with daddy for some of the time. I told Joe they needed to be ready when we got home so we could go to dinner. This is what I came home to...Them dressed alike!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Mom's 40th Surprise Party

David and I threw a Surprise Birthday party for my mom at Salt Grass Steak House since she was turning the big 40! We all had so much fun and she was totally surprised!

They Are Like Twins!
Crickett, Melissa, Mom, Michelle, and we are missing 1 more sister Jodie
Feeding Colton
Missing 3 Kids
Chris and David
The Cake
Mom blowing out her candles

A Little Bit Of Everything

All Clean After Bath
Watching Baby Einsteins In His Big Boy Chair
Nice Bow Tie

Swing Fun

Colton likes to try and sit up in his swing and play with his feet.

More Newborn Pics

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Newborn Pics

Newborn pictures that were taken when Colton was 2 weeks. It's hard to believe that he was ever this small. I can't believe he's already 3 months! Thanks Hillary for the awesome photos!